Most of you reading this article right now are doing so by using your smartphone. It isn’t surprising because according to a recent study, mobile phone ownership has gone up from less than 1% in 1985 to 91% among adults worldwide.
Initially, all a mobile phone could do was call up a person and send short text messages.
We have come a long way in mobile technology since then. We now have music players, cameras, radios and several such features built-in.
With the advent of mobile Internet services, the sales and usage of mobile phones has increased.
In the year 2013, mobile Internet traffic only accounted for less than 30% of the total Internet traffic with most of the traffic originating from desktop computers .
This year however mobile Internet traffic statistics indicate that 51.3% traffic is due to mobile devices with 4.76% coming from tablets. It’s the first time in history that mobile devices have overtaken the traditional desktop computers and laptops in terms of Internet traffic .